The following must be distributed/signed off on by catechists
2213.0 Code of Conduct for Catechetical Leaders

The following must be distributed/signed off on by participants
6153.2 Registration, Permission, Release, and Indemnification Agreement

  • 1412 Fire Drills
  • 4110.01 Curriculum Support for Protecting God's Children
  • 4110.01a Curriculum Support for Protecting God's Children - Spanish
  • 4110.1 Background Check for Staff and Volunteers
  • 4113.13 Preschool Directors and Teachers
  • 4114.1 AIDS
  • 4116.1 Professionalism of Catechetical Leaders
  • 4116.14 Code of Conduct for Catechists
  • 4116.15 Harassment Policy
  • 4118.0 Adherence to Church Teaching
  • 5110.05 Parental Participation
  • 5126.0 Publishing Student Information
  • 5126.2 Personally Identifiable Information Release Form
  • 5131.1 Drug Prevention
  • 5138.0 Pregnancy
  • 5140.0 Abuse and Neglect
  • 5140.01 Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests or Deacons
  • 5140.02 Bullying
  • 5140.05 Harassment Policy
  • 5140.1 Health and Safety of Youth
  • 5140.11 Threats to Welfare and Safety
  • 5140.2 Group Travel
  • 5141.0 Administering Prescribed Medication to Children or Youth

Dr. Marlon De La Torre
Senior Director for the Department of Evangelization
[email protected]

Liz Christy
Coordinator for Communications and Events
[email protected]